Eco-design is the principle to have a balance between the economic, environmental and social pressing needs of our world. This sustainable way to think and process will allow future generation to be able to use the Earth as we did. With eco-design, your project will keep the features or more but its cost would be reduce on the Earth’s scale. 

Design vs. Eco-design 

explanation design

Design is more than a concept

Designing is the action to find the idea to create an answer to consumer’s needs, mixing the influence of technique, art, and society background. The finish show one idea with a specific balance between each constraint.

explanation eco-design

Eco-design is not just about environment

The easiest way to understand Eco-design is to understand the definition of Sustainable Development formalized by the United Nation in 1987: it is a "Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.

Eco-design short story

The concept of the Eco-design came from the first awareness and definition of the Sustainable Development. Indeed, in 1987 in Tokyo, the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) published a report named Our Common Future.

It define the sustainable development as a “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.

This definition highlight two key concepts:
 • the concept of 'needs', in particular the essential needs of the world's poor, to which overriding priority should be given;
 • and the idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environment's ability to meet present and future needs.

Now, eco-design exists itself beyond the United Nation definition by an entire sustainable concept. 

3 pillars of Eco-design

Eco-design is the way to meet the consumer’s need and the Earth ability. So, the objective of Eco-design is to find a balance between the tree founder elements: Economics, Society and Environnement.

WIWAK eco-design | This represents the economic aspect.


Because designing open a multitude ways for a product, it is necessary to do not forget that the main aspect of a product is to fit the target market price, without under estimating product’s features.

WIWAK eco-design | This represents the social aspect: people, work conditions, salaries, health care.


Each action had consequence to people that work on the product or service; we need to remember that the work condition and laws are different around the world, and that we can ask more, to obtain some fair work.

WIWAK eco-design | This represents the environment aspect: ressources, country of extraction, rarity.


There is plenty way to build the same product; materials needs to be choose relative to the product life time and have an impact on the Earth ressources related to this time. Earth is full of treasures that need to be manage.

Indicators and tools

Everybody use indicators, even without thinking of it, when we need to make a choice. In Eco-design, we use the same principale. We analyse in the same time the achievement of the consumer’s and user’s needs, and the impact on environment and society.

More than 30 difference indicators exist as Carbon footprint, Water footprint, CO2 emissions, land use, ressources depletion, Acidification and Eutrophication. They are usaly choose on 3 main criteria: easy to determine, easy to understand, easy to compare. They alose need to be relavant to the item that u try to analyse. For example, we shouldn’t choose water consumption for ......

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Theses are facts that describe my expertise. However a project is a human matter, so send me an email or call me to talk and see how I can help you and your company. 


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5 years of Mechanical Design

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This certificate is one way to assure you my ability to design your whole project, using for example modelling, extrusion, casting, milling, ... 

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All my different , and built my expertise to design, ...


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What does WIWAK mean?

WIWAK is the contraction of “When I Was A Kid”. This expression is pretty common and use to express